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Intuition is from God. Most of us dont know how 2 use that gift from God.
Фотографии 65
Herdi Storhaug
Обо мне
Коротко обо мне
Kurdish INFP from Norway* Born on an mountain during Iraq/Iran war. My name means, "mountain" in my mother tounge. This was very jalla of me 2 share, but here 4 give you 4 missreading me as a quitter. Actually, thank youThe worst thing about sensitivity is 2 pretend you're not..Thank God 4 being alive..We all got so much ducks 2 still be giving out.. If you have an issue with me. Tell it to my face or message me(no fake account), so I can hear you out and laugh at your face(not behind you)
Рост 171 см, Вес 65 кг, Телосложение Худощавое
День рождения
28 декабря 1984 (Козерог), 40 лет
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