Фотострана » Люди » Eric Smith
- Анкета
Eric Smith
Анонимландия, Скрытенбург
- Обо мне
Коротко обо мне
I am a person who is filled with passion and compassion. I am driven by a deep desire to help others and make the world a better place. I believe in building relationships based on trust and respect, and I am always striving to be the best version of myself. I am a lifelong learner, constantly seeking to improve myself and grow as a person. I am honest, reliable, and responsible, and I always try to see the best in others. I am grateful for all that I have and am always looking for ways to give back. That's just a bit about me!
Рост 141 см, Вес 31 кг, Телосложение Обычное
День рождения
25 декабря 1988 (Козерог),
36 лет
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