Are you ready to slap on the ass in the human form of the demon of the crossroads?
But it's everything to me, it's my credibility You never seen heard smelled or met a real MC who's incredible upon the same pedestal as me?
Если мы верим, читая, как в реале, в то, что Отелло душит Дездемону, то можно будет без кнопака поучавствовать в сцене с реальными ощущениями тип "Отелло, души меня, души..!", во что еще -мужа быдлака закажем, бабу со скалкой?
Почему часто снятся умершие?
Почему так много умирает людей?
Have you ever eaten something from off the floor?
From ah what Lilith, who is considered to be a real demon, listed..They depict it in hatching, it's temporary for her There's a face like an ass.Would you fuck that?
It’s better to have ideals and dreams than nothing — Лучше иметь мечты и идеалы, чем ничего?
You gotta live it to feel it, you didn't you wouldn't get it Or see what the big deal is, why it was and it still is?
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